How do I get access to digitized films for viewing online? Where on the site can you find those?

How do I get access to digitized films for viewing online? Where on the site can you find those?


Film streaming is a complicated matter for a small library. We can't afford to offer every film we have in our catalog for online viewing. So we take film streaming "requests" on a case-by-case basis with instructors who need a specific set of films for their classes. And most of our film streaming options are delivered via external services, so it's not easy to provide a list of our available streaming videos. 


Also, many film streaming options are limited by the number of times they are viewed; so we must carefully control (by faculty member or class) how often those particular films are viewed online on platforms like Kanopy, Films on Demand and Alexander Street Press. 


To browse an online collection of streaming films accessible to anyone at any time with a Centre network account, try our Swank collection. 

You'll need to first access it using your Centre network credentials. Then you can set up an instructor or student account.


If you have more questions about this or if you're looking for certain films to be accessible to your classes, please contact Jazmine Wilson, our electronic resources librarian.

  • Last Updated Aug 31, 2020
  • Views 28
  • Answered By Jami Powell

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